Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Twisted Frames

From Pete Springer, the unphysicist, at p.ratfab@gmail.com

This method is designed around twisted frames.....where the front wheel no longer runs in front of the rear wheel. If the forks are bent back under a bit or too much, this isn't going to help that.

Click on sketch for enlargement......I'm talking about the picture.

The block at the Swing arm needs to be quite well seated (custom nested) to the frame
so the thing isn't all wobbly there. The 4X4 needs to be blocked up
to the proper height so you aren't trying to hold it up to do this.

Bike needs to be blocked vertical if it doesn't have a center stand.

The block between frame and fork tube is very important so the wheel doesn't turn.
The jack needs to be pushing on both fork tubes.....through the axle.
The fork tubes will flex a long way before the frame start coming back permanently.
The frame will bend before the fork tubes if you are pushing on both tubes as I've diagramed.

No doubt this procedure will need to be done a number of times to get what you want. You should be careful to not go too far for obvious reason......you have to bend it back.

If I've been unclear about summat, let me know and I'll add it.

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